The purpose of this study is to determine whether current video datasets have sufficient data for training very deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with spatio-temporal three-dimensional (3D) kernels. Recently, the performance levels of 3D CNNs in the field of action recognition have improved significantly. However, to date, conventional research has only explored relatively shallow 3D architectures. We examine the architectures of various 3D CNNs from relatively shallow to very deep ones on current video datasets. Based on the results of those experiments, the following conclusions could be obtained: (i) training resulted in significant overfitting for UCF-101, HMDB-51, and Ac-tivityNet but not for Kinetics. (ii) The Kinetics dataset has sufficient data for training of deep 3D CNNs, and enables training of up to 152 ResNets layers, interestingly similar to 2D ResNets on ImageNet. ResNeXt-101 achieved 78.4% average accuracy on the Kinetics test set. (iii) Kinetics pretrained simple 3D architectures outperforms complex 2D architectures, and the pretrained ResNeXt-101 achieved 94.5% and 70.2% on respectively. The use of 2D CNNs trained on ImageNet has produced significant progress in various tasks in image. We believe that using deep 3D CNNs together with Kinetics will retrace the successful history of 2D CNNs and ImageNet, and stimulate advances in computer vision for videos. The codes and pretrained models used in this study are publicly available1.
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Agents that can follow language instructions are expected to be useful in a variety of situations such as navigation. However, training neural network-based agents requires numerous paired trajectories and languages. This paper proposes using multimodal generative models for semi-supervised learning in the instruction following tasks. The models learn a shared representation of the paired data, and enable semi-supervised learning by reconstructing unpaired data through the representation. Key challenges in applying the models to sequence-to-sequence tasks including instruction following are learning a shared representation of variable-length mulitimodal data and incorporating attention mechanisms. To address the problems, this paper proposes a novel network architecture to absorb the difference in the sequence lengths of the multimodal data. In addition, to further improve the performance, this paper shows how to incorporate the generative model-based approach with an existing semi-supervised method called a speaker-follower model, and proposes a regularization term that improves inference using unpaired trajectories. Experiments on BabyAI and Room-to-Room (R2R) environments show that the proposed method improves the performance of instruction following by leveraging unpaired data, and improves the performance of the speaker-follower model by 2\% to 4\% in R2R.
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Knowledge representation and reasoning in law are essential to facilitate the automation of legal analysis and decision-making tasks. In this paper, we propose a new approach based on legal science, specifically legal taxonomy, for representing and reasoning with legal documents. Our approach interprets the regulations in legal documents as binary trees, which facilitates legal reasoning systems to make decisions and resolve logical contradictions. The advantages of this approach are twofold. First, legal reasoning can be performed on the basis of the binary tree representation of the regulations. Second, the binary tree representation of the regulations is more understandable than the existing sentence-based representations. We provide an example of how our approach can be used to interpret the regulations in a legal document.
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Adversarial attacks on thermal infrared imaging expose the risk of related applications. Estimating the security of these systems is essential for safely deploying them in the real world. In many cases, realizing the attacks in the physical space requires elaborate special perturbations. These solutions are often \emph{impractical} and \emph{attention-grabbing}. To address the need for a physically practical and stealthy adversarial attack, we introduce \textsc{HotCold} Block, a novel physical attack for infrared detectors that hide persons utilizing the wearable Warming Paste and Cooling Paste. By attaching these readily available temperature-controlled materials to the body, \textsc{HotCold} Block evades human eyes efficiently. Moreover, unlike existing methods that build adversarial patches with complex texture and structure features, \textsc{HotCold} Block utilizes an SSP-oriented adversarial optimization algorithm that enables attacks with pure color blocks and explores the influence of size, shape, and position on attack performance. Extensive experimental results in both digital and physical environments demonstrate the performance of our proposed \textsc{HotCold} Block. \emph{Code is available: \textcolor{magenta}{}}.
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We present a lightweight post-processing method to refine the semantic segmentation results of point cloud sequences. Most existing methods usually segment frame by frame and encounter the inherent ambiguity of the problem: based on a measurement in a single frame, labels are sometimes difficult to predict even for humans. To remedy this problem, we propose to explicitly train a network to refine these results predicted by an existing segmentation method. The network, which we call the P2Net, learns the consistency constraints between coincident points from consecutive frames after registration. We evaluate the proposed post-processing method both qualitatively and quantitatively on the SemanticKITTI dataset that consists of real outdoor scenes. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by comparing the results predicted by two representative networks with and without the refinement by the post-processing network. Specifically, qualitative visualization validates the key idea that labels of the points that are difficult to predict can be corrected with P2Net. Quantitatively, overall mIoU is improved from 10.5% to 11.7% for PointNet [1] and from 10.8% to 15.9% for PointNet++ [2].
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This paper presents a portrait stylization method designed for real-time mobile applications with limited style examples available. Previous learning based stylization methods suffer from the geometric and semantic gaps between portrait domain and style domain, which obstacles the style information to be correctly transferred to the portrait images, leading to poor stylization quality. Based on the geometric prior of human facial attributions, we propose to utilize geometric alignment to tackle this issue. Firstly, we apply Thin-Plate-Spline (TPS) on feature maps in the generator network and also directly to style images in pixel space, generating aligned portrait-style image pairs with identical landmarks, which closes the geometric gaps between two domains. Secondly, adversarial learning maps the textures and colors of portrait images to the style domain. Finally, geometric aware cycle consistency preserves the content and identity information unchanged, and deformation invariant constraint suppresses artifacts and distortions. Qualitative and quantitative comparison validate our method outperforms existing methods, and experiments proof our method could be trained with limited style examples (100 or less) in real-time (more than 40 FPS) on mobile devices. Ablation study demonstrates the effectiveness of each component in the framework.
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While natural systems often present collective intelligence that allows them to self-organize and adapt to changes, the equivalent is missing in most artificial systems. We explore the possibility of such a system in the context of cooperative object manipulation using mobile robots. Although conventional works demonstrate potential solutions for the problem in restricted settings, they have computational and learning difficulties. More importantly, these systems do not possess the ability to adapt when facing environmental changes. In this work, we show that by distilling a planner derived from a gradient-based soft-body physics simulator into an attention-based neural network, our multi-robot manipulation system can achieve better performance than baselines. In addition, our system also generalizes to unseen configurations during training and is able to adapt toward task completions when external turbulence and environmental changes are applied.
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Although Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have achieved impressive results in computer vision, their exposed vulnerability to adversarial attacks remains a serious concern. A series of works has shown that by adding elaborate perturbations to images, DNNs could have catastrophic degradation in performance metrics. And this phenomenon does not only exist in the digital space but also in the physical space. Therefore, estimating the security of these DNNs-based systems is critical for safely deploying them in the real world, especially for security-critical applications, e.g., autonomous cars, video surveillance, and medical diagnosis. In this paper, we focus on physical adversarial attacks and provide a comprehensive survey of over 150 existing papers. We first clarify the concept of the physical adversarial attack and analyze its characteristics. Then, we define the adversarial medium, essential to perform attacks in the physical world. Next, we present the physical adversarial attack methods in task order: classification, detection, and re-identification, and introduce their performance in solving the trilemma: effectiveness, stealthiness, and robustness. In the end, we discuss the current challenges and potential future directions.
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马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛(MCMC),例如langevin Dynamics,有效地近似顽固的分布。但是,由于昂贵的数据采样迭代和缓慢的收敛性,它的用法在深层可变模型的背景下受到限制。本文提出了摊销的langevin Dynamics(ALD),其中数据划分的MCMC迭代完全被编码器的更新替换为将观测值映射到潜在变量中。这种摊销可实现有效的后验采样,而无需数据迭代。尽管具有效率,但我们证明ALD是MCMC算法有效的,其马尔可夫链在轻度假设下将目标后部作为固定分布。基于ALD,我们还提出了一个名为Langevin AutoCodeer(LAE)的新的深层变量模型。有趣的是,可以通过稍微修改传统自动编码器来实现LAE。使用多个合成数据集,我们首先验证ALD可以从目标后代正确获取样品。我们还在图像生成任务上评估了LAE,并证明我们的LAE可以根据变异推断(例如变异自动编码器)和其他基于MCMC的方法在测试可能性方面胜过现有的方法。
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